Does someone in your life struggle with substances?

Featured Program

The Unbreakable Boundaries

The Unbreakable Boundaries is a FREE introductory program to help you navigate decisions with your loved one who has substance abuse issues. Having a loved one with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is full of daunting decisions you may not feel equipped to make. Unbreakable Boundaries gets you headed in the right direction.

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Let Me Help

Having a family member with SUD (Substance Use Disorder) can be challenging. You may even question whether it’s that serious. They could have a slight issue but nothing as serious as a substance abuse problem. Maybe if they just cut back a little, their life can return to normal.

Maybe you’re farther along in your journey. You may be at the point where you KNOW they have a problem and you are so exhausted from trying to help them. Maybe you’ve been doing this for years and nothing seems to help, but you know you just can’t keep dealing with this and feeling the way you are. You may be to the point you’re asking yourself, “how do I keep doing this, something has to change?”

Do things get a little better and then fall apart and get worse again? Have you ever told yourself, “I don’t have time for this”? Or, “I just really need them to be ok so that I can be ok”? If any part of this resonates, it’s time to talk and see what is possible.

For the Family

Do you need help knowing how to support someone you care about?

You want to help and try to help, but it doesn’t seem to do any good. Perhaps you even question if you are making things worse. You live in the in-between of being angry and scared simultaneously. 

As a certified coach, Jennifer Maneely has been working with families that have loved ones with substance abuse issues for the last six years. She has over 17 years in recovery from a serious drug addiction. Her experience with her own substance abuse issues provides experience and insights that families need in order to communicate better and set effective, supportive, and loving boundaries.

She started this because she was getting calls from parents desperate for her to help their loved ones. Having been in recovery for so long, she knew one thing to be true; there is nothing anyone can do or say to help them until they are ready to get help. PERIOD.

That left the parents hopeless, frustrated, desperate, angry, and scared. She knew from her own experience with her family how important it was for them to get the help they needed.

She created a way to give the families the help they needed based on her own experience of what was helpful to her and has been beneficial to countless others in recovery.

Featured Podcast

Released May 29, 2024

The tables were turned on this podcast. I had the incredible opportunity to be featured on an amazing podcast that showcases inspiring recovery stories. It was such a joy to be a part of this podcast, and if you're interested in diving deeper into my own journey, I highly recommend giving it a listen.

Here is the YouTube description of the podcast:

Join us as we dive into the incredible journey of Jennifer, who has been celebrating 17 years of sobriety. In this riveting episode, she opens up about her harrowing battle with addiction, the life-threatening moments that led her to rehab, and the challenging years that followed her decision to get clean. Jennifer’s story is a testament to the power of recovery and resilience. We also discuss her insightful book, "Dear Parents," which sheds light on her experiences and offers guidance to others on this path. A huge thank you to Jennifer for sharing her powerful story with us in South Carolina. Tune in to this engaging podcast episode, and don't forget to like, share, and comment before you go. Let's spread the message of hope and recovery together!

A Voice for the Forgotten Child

I am part of the WNC National Speakers Association chapter and recently, I gave this talk. It’s what community members can do to help family members.

Presentism causes companies to lose millions of dollars annually from people simply failing to perform at their best. Within your company, you have:

  • Employees with family members suffering from SUD who are consumed with their home life may not be able to perform when they are at work. 

  • Employees may be having performance issues due to struggling with substance issues. 

You may not always know how to approach these situations. You may see that something is off, but you aren’t entirely sure what you are looking at, and what is your role in their life. Perhaps you are in a position where you have to have a challenging conversation and are unsure how to approach it. This is where I can help you navigate the next best step and possibly look into services I offer that can help your company. 

For the Business Professionals

Make a Contribution

One of the things I am proudest of is that I will never let financial restrictions prevent someone from getting the support and help they need. I did write a book, which I freely give out to organizations, individuals, and companies. I donate a considerable amount of my time to this work, and often provide services free of charge to those who need it and can’t afford it. All the contributions received allows me to continue the work I am doing.

Services for the Person in Recovery

  • Early Recovery

    Are you just getting out of rehab and are scared, overwhelmed, and confused? Are you just entering into your recovery process, or coming back and you’re struggling to figure out what to do? You may need a bridge until you can feel more grounded in the recovery process as you’re building your community of people around you. Let’s talk and see where I can help. The first call is free to explore if it’s the right fit for you.

  • Long Term Recovery

    Long-term recovery can start feeling stale, and it can be hard not to get complacent. You may want to go even deeper into the inner work and self-awareness, but you find yourself stuck and unable to find people who can help you go to those depths. Maybe you’re feeling like you’d like to start seeing the bigger picture beyond just what the typical recovery program offers and want to challenge yourself more. Let’s talk and see where I can help.

Not ready to reach out just yet. Want to stay connected and learn more about all this.

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Recently Featured

I spend a lot of time sharing my story, and sharing with others hope. I’ve been featured on several people’s podcasts and books. Here is the latest.

This podcast is designed to offer helpful tips, thought provoking principles and easy to implement steps to effectively address the self defeated mindset as it relates to Leadership! Jason invited me on his podcast to talk about substance abuse and how it can impact the workplace.

This is a short podcast I did with my mom, Lynn Carnes as we were talking about a chapter we wrote in a book called “Our Mothers, Our Daughters: The Stories that make and Create Our LIves.” by Candace Gish. The chapter we wrote was called “When Trust is Lost.”

This is the book we were featured in called, “Our Mothers, Our Daughters: The Stories that make and Create Our LIves.” by Candace Gish. The chapter we wrote was called “When Trust is Lost,” which is on page 76. You can find the book on Amazon